Small Groups

Experiencing God Together

Being in relationship is an essential part of being a Christian.

God is a relational God and he wants us to have consistent and meaningful interactions within our community of faith. 

Our small groups are vital to carrying out this goal and other aspects of the Fullness vision. 

In small groups, people meet several times a month to talk about how God is at work in their lives.

These meetings find practical ways to apply the truths of God and the work of the Spirit to our everyday experiences.  

We encourage every member of Fullness – from youth on up- to connect with a group!

Groups welcome new members at any time.

We are called to ENCOUNTER God and His People, EXPERIENCE the Power of the Holy Spirit and help you to Discover Your Purpose and to EXPAND Our Influence by Making a Difference.

Here are the current small groups that are meeting regularly:

Please contact Scott Shoop or Gabriel Hughes if you are interested in attending one of these groups!

General Groups - Open To All

Journey Group

The Journey Group meets for fellowship, encouragement, and prayer, providing a safe environment for sharing,

walking in gifts, and spurring one another on.

Leaders: Craig and Melissa Hawkins and Chris and Amy Snow


When: Twice Monthly, Saturday at 5:30 pm

Where: Snow's Home, Homewood

Full Circle Group

This intergenerational group seeks to grow in relationship as we fellowship, share a meal, and encourage one another.

Leaders: TV and Eartha Drew

TV: 205.365.1103

When: Around 12pm on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month

Where: The Drew Home, Hoover

Practicing the Way

Practicing the Way gathers to discuss and experience practices from the life of Christ within community.

Leader: Gabriel Hughes

Gabriel: 205.223.7436

When: Every Other Sunday after church | Lunch: 11:45-12:15pm, Meeting: 12:15-1:30pm

Where: Fullness Church

Childcare Provided

Hidden With Christ

Fellowship, spiritual formation, and discipleship in the context of humility, hunger, and obedience.

Leaders: Caleb and Kayla Hughes

Caleb: 205.370.4008

When: Every other Sunday evening, 5:00-7:00pm

Where: The Hughes' Home, Hoover

Childcare Provided

Stilley House

Leaders: Craig and Molly Stilley

Craig: 205.977.0027

When: Twice Monthly, Sunday at 4:30pm

Where: Stilley's Home, Homewood

Childcare Provided

Hebrews 10:24-25 Group

Leaders: Austin and Mackenzie Andrews

Mackenzie: 205.615.0816

When: Twice Monthly, Tuesday at 6:30pm

Where: Andrews' Home, Hoover

Speciality Groups

South Shelby Group

The South Shelby group provides an opportunity for young families and couples

to share a meal and fellowship, followed by a time of sharing and prayer.

Leaders: David and Stefanny Robbins

David: 205.901.8160   Stef: 205.914.8914

When: 2nd & 4th Sundays, 5:00-7:00 pm

Where: Reimer's Home, Alabaster

Children welcome


Gather's purpose is to meet together regularly in order to stir one another up in love and good works,

encouraging one another to be the men, women, couples, and parents God intends for us to be

as the days grow closer to His return. Our goal is to experience the abundant life Jesus promised together in community.

Leaders: Ross and Brittney Clay, Hayes and Mary Katherine Johnson,

Ross: 205.613.4306

Hayes: 205.470.9352

When: Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00pm (Family Night, Women's Night, Date Night, Men's Night)

Where: Rotating households in Hoover and Vestavia area

Open to all but targeting young couples and families.

Legacy Grandparenting

We gather to challenge and encourage Fullness Grandparents in our role and to pray into the destinies of our grandchildren.

Leaders: Brian and Brenda Shoop


When: 2nd and 4th Monday Nights

Where: Hoover

Young Married Small Group

We desire to grow in love and knowledge of Christ so that He may be amplified in our marriages, and we desire

to provide community and support to the young marriages of Fullness.

Leaders: Reid Parrish, Madeline Parrish

Contact Reid Parrish: 205.734.5846

When: Each Monday at 7pm

Where: Rogers' Home, Hoover

Young Un-Professionals (Y.U.P.)

A small group designed for post college graduates and young professionals to grow together through

a transitional season of life. Our goal is to cultivate community

by encountering the Lord, gathering together around the table, and having fun together!

Leaders: Chase Saunders, Cameron Overton, and Sloan Miles

Chase: 334.797.1611

When: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Where: Fullness Youth Room

Women's Groups

Women of The Word

Do you have a desire to study God's word but don't know where to start? Join a group of women in

an authentic endeavor to know God's story by being students of His Word.

We will begin by reading Jen Wilkins' Women of the Word.

Leader: Eleanor Walker

Eleanor: 205.873.4987

When: Twice Monthly, Thursday at 8:30am

Where: Fullness

childcare provided

New Life Women's Small Group

We gather as women to grow together in authenticity through fellowship, the sharing of our spiritual autobiographies, and prayer.

Leader: Cyndy James


When: Beginning August 28th, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 6:30-8:15pm

Where: Vestavia Hills, Brookins' Home

No childcare

Women's Intercessors Group

The Intercessors Group meets weekly to pray for the needs and concerns of the Fullness body. This time is led by the Holy Spirit

and open to anyone who wants to pray or receive prayer.

Leader: Dottie Sullivan


When: Tuesdays, 10:00 am

Where: Prayer Chapel at Fullness

Men's Groups

Men's Morning Group

We gather to explore spiritual formation into Christlikeness.

Leader: David Robbins

David: 205.901.8160 |

When: Each Friday morning at 7:15 am

Where: Hoover

Aaron and Hur

We spend time going verse by verse through a book of the Bible, challenging each other as men to walk together and live out Galatians 6:2, "bearing one another's burdens."

Leader: Shane Roberts

Shane: (205) 283-2691 |

When: Each Monday 6am-7am

Where: At the church, in the prayer chapel